Sunday, September 21, 2014

TOW #3

The TOW I chose this week is this visual text by Yaser Ahmad. This visual text is all based on the overuse of technology. The maker of this visual text is Yaser Ahmad and he is a cartoonist mainly for political cartoons and he is from from Kamishli, Syria. The audience that this text was composed was mainly for adolescents. Just like what this visual text shows, they feed off of technology to the point that they think it's like food to them because they believe that we need it to survive. All the apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are used daily, for hours by teenagers which consumes their lives and it is taking over their brains. Their lives are based on their phones and its mind-eating apps. If adolescents don't have connection or wifi to access these apps, they go insane and think that there is no other way to communicate because their lives are based on a pixilated screen that just shows how "interesting" others lives are which is taking over the real view that is in front of them. A view that is actually worth watching. A rhetoric device that the cartoonist uses is a hyperbole. We can't actually open our phones and eat our apps with a fork literally but figuratively the picture is saying that it seems as if we need our phones and apps so much, that we feed on to it like food, we need it to survive as I said previously. The authors purpose in drawing this visual text is for teenagers to open their mind and to show them how others really view them. The maker of this visual text really accomplished his purpose because he exaggerated but did it visually so it is easier and more entertaining to understand.

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